PM2.5 Seeds of Death in Oral Cancer
Research reports in 2018, High level of Air pollution may be associated with oral cancer. Especially PM2.5 and Ozone gas (O3)
Oral cancers are refers to cancer that occurs at the mouth, including the tongue, cheek bulge, soft and hard palate, lips and pharynx, and as known risk factors of oral cancer are smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages chewing betel nut and papilloma virus infection.
Now found a list of patients with oral cancer and from the analysis of patients who received more treatment in relation to areas with air pollution problems and in October 2018, Yu-Hua Chu research report of Asian universities Taiwan The correlation between the occurrence of oral cancer and PM2.5 fine dust, also found that the correlation between increased PM2.5 from 26.74 µ / m³ to 40.37 µ / m³ increases the risk of Oral cancer occurrence odds ratio 1.43 (95% CI 1.17 to 1.74) and also found that ozone, even at low levels, also increases the chance of oral cancer.
According to the report, it caused a lot of panic. However, no research has been done to clearly explain the mechanism of birth and the amount that remains in the mouth. However, protection is the easiest and most secure method of wearing a mask that can prevent small dust, PM2.5 and toxic gases from burning, whether it is ozone(O3), nitrogen dioxide(NO2) and sulphur dioxide(SO2).
Odds Ratio (OR) is a comparison of the ratio of disease and not disease in The group receiving risk factors And not receiving risk factors and interpretation