

What is rotavirus?!!!

Rotavirus, or rotavirus, got its name from looking at its appearance through an electron microscope like a “wheel”, is a virus that is highly resistant to the environment.


spread of the virus Most are infected by touching the infection and swallowing something like water, food, or touching something contaminated with a surface. In most cases, the infection is spread during the winter. Most of the illnesses are found in young children up to 5 years of age, but most adults have mild symptoms.


The most common symptoms of rotavirus infection are vomiting and watery diarrhea for 3 to 8 days and may be accompanied by a fever. and stomach ache The side effects are loss of appetite and dehydration.


most diagnoses Use history and symptoms as the main Most rotavirus stool tests are done in a laboratory for research purposes.


rotavirus vaccine Currently, there are 2 brands that have passed safety standards. and efficiency in the United States by starting the first injection of children from the age of 2 months, 4 months and / or 6 months, depending on the brand. It is highly effective in preventing severe symptoms and hospitalizations up to 85-98%.


Treatment such as replacing mineral water paracetamon to reduce fever and wipes for children with high fever


SAFE Sure Gloves to kill viruses and bacteria on the outer surface. Reduce the chance of contracting the coronavirus and bacteria causing gastrointestinal disease effectively and does not contaminate food


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